Devices Flash

Kingston DTX/128GB

Kingston DataTreveler Exodia 128GB USB 3.2

Kingston DTX/128

CrystalDiksMark 8 results

Crystal Dew World:

  • MB/s = 1,000,000 bytes/s [SATA/600 = 600,000,000 bytes/s]
  • KB = 1000 bytes, KiB = 1024 bytes

SEQ 1MiB (Q= 8, T= 1): 112.742 MB/s [ 107.5 IOPS] < 73749.06 us>
SEQ 1MiB (Q= 1, T= 1): 110.769 MB/s [ 105.6 IOPS] < 9459.44 us>
RND 4KiB (Q= 32, T= 1): 6.571 MB/s [ 1604.2 IOPS] < 19895.02 us>
RND 4KiB (Q= 1, T= 1): 6.017 MB/s [ 1469.0 IOPS] < 679.74 us>

SEQ 1MiB (Q= 8, T= 1): 11.092 MB/s [ 10.6 IOPS] <700412.00 us>
SEQ 1MiB (Q= 1, T= 1): 11.922 MB/s [ 11.4 IOPS] < 85698.35 us>
RND 4KiB (Q= 32, T= 1): 1.128 MB/s [ 275.4 IOPS] <114998.19 us>
RND 4KiB (Q= 1, T= 1): 1.083 MB/s [ 264.4 IOPS] < 3773.49 us>

Profile: Default
Test: 1 GiB (x5) [G: 82% (95/115GiB)]
Mode: [Admin]
Time: Measure 5 sec / Interval 5 sec
Date: 2023/01/08 10:10:18
OS: Windows 11 Professional 10.0 Build 22621
Comment: Kingston DTX/128GB

2 replies on “Kingston DTX/128GB”

Server was down. db failed. restored from backup (data since April to November 2023 is missing, but it were not much actually). Thanks for notice.

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