
Synology DS-209+ vs DS-213+

Important update to post:
Text below is first look on Synology DS213+. Those first result is actually incorrect. Low Read/Write speed in tables below (70/50 MB/s max. with idle CPU and DISK) instead of 110/80 MB/s caused by low quality wired gigabit LAN. In case of perfect gigabit LAN speed much better. Will not remove the post just to note this test issue.

RAID1 Synology_DS-209p_small Synology_DS-213p_small
Read MB/s 48.1 54.7
CPU Load read 100% 50%
Write MB/s 18.2 51.2
CPU Load write 100% 80%
CPU Freescale PowerQUICC MPC8533EPB (1x800MHz) Freescale QorlQ P1022 (2x1067MHz)
MEM 64-bit DDR3 512MB 64-bit DDR3 512MB
ports eSATA, USB2.0 eSATA, USB3.0*, SD
other small big fan, hotplug

Some thing that makes upgrade not perfect is external USB 3.0 disk disconnects somewhere in the middle of file copy. eSATA work perfect.

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