app apple GPS iOS

Traffic on Apple iOS 11 map

Latest iOS update brings among other traffic data in Kyiv.  In addition, map is less outdated compare to how it is usual in Apple maps. Now map based on OpenStreetMaps.  Routing is far from perfect. Traffic is also not always relevant. But at least map improves.

iOS 11 Navigation with traffic

Good news is that map edits that I did during last year using OSM editor now are in new Apple map. Therefore, the way to fix Apple map mistakes exist.

Some streets names are not translated properly.

iOS 11 Navigation night mode


app GPS iOS iphone


It looks like I have found last available on iOS navigation software from Ukrainian developers. It is NavLux from Luxena. When it works it looks like:

But it is sometimes hard to make it work. My application purchase expirience:

  1. Not possible to try it before buy on iOS. Must pay 15$ first.
  2. Purchase Server Unavailable. Cannot activate the map.
  3. Support not answer on both in-app and site forms requests.

NavLux Premium versionNavLux purchase errorNavLux Map Not Activated

Application start work in about 3 days after purchase (I suppose Luxena have fixed the issue with its server).

Android GPS iOS

Yandex Navigator Alternatives (UA)

Читаємо новини:

Порошенко ввів санкції проти Яндекса, Вконтакте, Одноклассников та інших

Київстар, lifecell і Vodafone почали блокувати санкційні сайти РФ

Обираємо Альтернативу

HERE WeGo Android та iOS

Безкоштовний навігатор з трафіком, офлайн картою, можливістю редагувати карту через сайт, з повільним оновлення (назв вулиць і т.і.), без подій (аварії, дорожні роботи, і т.і.).


Google Maps Android та iOS

Безкоштовний онлайн навігатор з можливістю завантажити вибрані фрагменти мапи розміром з місто чи район. Без можливості редагування для регіону Україна. З трафіком. Без можливості повідоми про події, але з відображення подій з Waze.


Waze Android та iOS

Навігатор – соціальна мережа, лайки, коментарі, статуси, трафік  з подіями (перекриття, ремонти, аварії, затори). Є можливість редагувати мапу. Зміни мапи  з’являються в програмі швидко.



iOS navigation apps for Kyiv

Quick overview of GPS navigators with traffic information in Kyiv, Ukraine. November 2016. What is available:

  • iGo is based on here maps that is 1-2 years old. Traffic is more or less adequate, but loading of traffic is slow, and there are no traffic events. UI is old-school and slow, but nice. At least during driving. It is not free.


  • here good free up-to-date map with traffic, but without traffic events and without events reporting.


  • Google have 3D building but unable to show it during navigation. Good  map of traffic, but without events. No traffic events reporting.


  • Yandex  good traffic and a lot of user reported accidents, road works, etc. Without navigation in offline mode.


  • Waze have poor traffic map contain only reported data. Map is average quality, but may be edited by on site


apple iOS

iOS 7

Testing iOS 7 (beta). It is very different from how previous iOS versions looks and feel like.

iOS 7 lock screen

iOS 7 control center

iOS 7 home

iOS 7 weather

app GPS iOS iphone

Core Coders Ski Tracks v 1.3.7

Yet another good iOS application: Ski Tracks. Very good Ski tracking application.


All recorded tracks


Track statistics.


app apple GPS iOS iphone

Apple iOS maps with 3-rd part (Google, Yandex, Nokia, iGO).

To check which map is actual and which not. I did some route check for new (half year old) turbine interchange on different iOS maps:

Google (right)
Yandex (image OK, route wrong)
Apple iOS maps (wrong)

See Nokia and iGO below

app apple GPS iOS iphone

Google Maps for iPhone

Google Maps on iPhone available as separate application. It much better (but slower). Vector graphics, 3D buildings, traffic, public transport in Kyiv. And, yes, Navigation mode.


app GPS iOS ipad iphone

Nokia HERE for iOS

Nokia maps on iOS devices. Image quality is not very high. But still interesting product. Alternative online map application.

app apple GPS iOS iphone

iOS 6 map with navigation in Kiev

KYLV fixed.
