
Vernee Mars

Vernee Mars. Yet another cheap (~170 $ on AliExpress) smartphone with iPhone 6 like design (and iPhone 5S like performance). Killer feature of this phone is OTA update to Android 7

Camera is far from perfect. As expected for this price.

Fingerprint sensor on a side. Work also not perfect.

Good original case (that is cost about 10-20$ on AliExpress) it detect close/open and switch to analog or digital clock mode


NextBase iN-Car Cam 412GW

Dashcam from UK on Novatek NT966xx chipset with 1440p recording.

I like

  1. connector that easy to mount/unmount using one hand
  2. suction cap and adhesive types of the mount
  3. resolution and image quality both day and night is OK
  4. video stamp (one line, speed without leading zero, removable logo)
  5. time sync from GPS
  6. up to 30 minutes video recording without external power
  7. Wi-Fi and iPhone app to copy videos
  8. firmware updates exists
  9. small 12-24v to 5v 1.5A power adaptor

I do not like

  1. Wi-Fi cannot operate during dashcam recording
  2. Wi-Fi too slow to play 1440p video from dashcam
  3. not adjustable video frame rates and bitrates
  4. buttons
  5. size
  6. screen quality
  7. icons quality


  1. absence of SpeedCams, Line Departure, Front Collision
  2. only English in Languages.
  3. Parking Mode exist.
  4. 140 degree view angle

Yet another Internet speed test. This time from Netflix.

Download speed from Akamai CDN

apple Devices iphone

olloclip Macro Pro

New iPhone7 and iPhone7 Macro lens set from olloclip. 7x, 14x, 21x. Compatible with both iPhone 7 and iPhone 7plus. Now with interchangeable lens.


Lens holder may also be used as an small tripod


Example macro photos

2 EUR Coin


Xiaomi TDS та бутильована вода

Вода мінералізація, г/л Xiaomi TDS, ppm
Аква Минерале 0.05-0.5 59
Моршинська 0.1-0.4 91
Прозора 0.20-0.45 188
SanBenedetto 0.25 202
Трускавецька 0.3-0.6 205
Кожен день 0.2-0.5 266
Карпатська джерельна 0.3-0.8 274
Evian 0.3-0.75 271
Vittel 0.508 266
BonAqua 0.35-0.65 346
Кривоозерська 0.7-1.2 640
Миргородська 2.5-3.5 2430
Боржомі 5.0-7.5 2870

Xiaomi Mi TDS Pen

Water purity tester from Xiaomi.

xiami_mi_tds_penMeasurement examples:


Distilled water: 0-2 ppm
Office coolers: 60-80 ppm
Brita Filter: 160 -170 ppm
Tap water: 240-260 ppm

air quality


Awair. Air quality monitor. Measure Humidity, Temperature, CO2, VOC (Hydrogen gas, Hydrogen Sulfide, Ammonia, Ethanol, Toluene, Formaldehyde), Dust (PM2.5 PM10). That is somehow more than netatmo can do.


Device shows air quality metrics as a dot bars. Where one dot is good and five dot are bad. It is also general “Awair score” on the screen both by number (100 is best, zero is worst) and by color of the LED (green is good, red is bad).

Awair also can work as clock (but only in 12h mode).

In addition to local indication device is also send data to a cloud using Wi-Fi (802.11n 2.4GHz), that allow to see the data using iPhone or Android on a remote locations.


iOS navigation apps for Kyiv

Quick overview of GPS navigators with traffic information in Kyiv, Ukraine. November 2016. What is available:

  • iGo is based on here maps that is 1-2 years old. Traffic is more or less adequate, but loading of traffic is slow, and there are no traffic events. UI is old-school and slow, but nice. At least during driving. It is not free.


  • here good free up-to-date map with traffic, but without traffic events and without events reporting.


  • Google have 3D building but unable to show it during navigation. Good  map of traffic, but without events. No traffic events reporting.


  • Yandex  good traffic and a lot of user reported accidents, road works, etc. Without navigation in offline mode.


  • Waze have poor traffic map contain only reported data. Map is average quality, but may be edited by on site



Бесплатные навигаторы с пробками для Киева

Бесплатные навигаторы с пробками в Киеве для iPhone

  1. Yandex Maps (Yandex Navigator)
  2. Google Maps
  3. here

Яндекс однозначно лучший навигатор для iOS в Киеве

  • Лучшая детализация данных о заторах
  • Иконки дорожных событий (аварий, ремонтов)
  • Возможность добавлять события
  • Удобный интерфейс, Избранное.
  • 3D здания, отображение заторов и другая “избыточность на карте” в режиме навигации не мешает благодаря правильному подбору цветов.


Google значительно отстаёт по уровню детализации, возможно сознательно не выводя в окно навигатора ничего лишнего.

  • Нет ни 3D ни даже контуров зданий
  • Очень мало дорожных событий (и те взяты из waze)
  • Карта трафика и маршруты с учётом пробок в целом адекватны
  • Выход из режима навигации одним нажатием и автоматически
  • Постоянный просчёт и визуализация альтернативных маршрутов
  • Транспорт, пешие маршруты, Taxi (Uber)


HERE WeGo в целом достаточно качественная альтернатива

  • есть несколько текстурированных 3D объектов
  • контуры и псевдо 3D дома
  • нормальная карта заторов
  • пешие и вело маршруты



apple Devices iphone

iPhone 7

iPhone 7

Now it is black again. Gold Black is best. Same Size as iPhone 6/6S. With improved antena section color design. Better camera that is shifted a bit to the phone edge.


New Home button. That is not actually button any more. Finger clicks work fine in general. Click in gloves or using nails do not work anymore. Fingerprint recognition speed and quality same at it was on iPhone 6S.


No more analog audio connector. Hmm. OK.

Stereo, waterresistant, faster, brighter.