Devices Flash

Sandisk Ultra Flair 64GB

Yet anather USB 3.0 flash drive. SDCZ73-064G-G46 SanDisk Ultra Flair 64GB.

Sandisk Ultra Flair crystaldiskmark 3 Sandisk Ultra Flair crystaldiskmark 5


devstack ocata on ubuntu 16.04 setup

The article below is more like a memo to me about how to fast setup DevStack based private cloud on Ubuntu 16.04. It might take several hours or days solving all kind of issue related to different part of OpenStack and system configuration if start process without good stack knowledge. Or detailed step-by-step notes from previous successful installation. I hope it will save some hours for me next time.

Install Ubuntu 16.04

Create bootable USB drive from ubuntu iso

dd if=ubuntu-16.04.3-server-amd64.iso of=/dev/sdb

app apple GPS iOS

Traffic on Apple iOS 11 map

Latest iOS update brings among other traffic data in Kyiv.  In addition, map is less outdated compare to how it is usual in Apple maps. Now map based on OpenStreetMaps.  Routing is far from perfect. Traffic is also not always relevant. But at least map improves.

iOS 11 Navigation with traffic

Good news is that map edits that I did during last year using OSM editor now are in new Apple map. Therefore, the way to fix Apple map mistakes exist.

Some streets names are not translated properly.

iOS 11 Navigation night mode



Croatia tourist 4G

7 day unlimited LTE for 11 EURO

Croatia T-mobile LTE speed

GPS Soft

Online Maps with traffic in Kyiv


Google online map


HERE online map


Waze online map





UMiDiGi Z Pro is ~250$ dual camera Android smartphone with Mediatek Helio X27 deca-core SoC. iPhone 7 plus like design. About twice faster than Vernee Mars. Running on Android 6.0.

UMIDIGI Z Pro Lock Screen

Flash, black color, dual cameras.. all close to iPhone 7 plus design.

UMIDIGI Z Pro black

Fingerprint sensor on front panel is on sensor home button (without taptic feedback)

app GPS iOS iphone


It looks like I have found last available on iOS navigation software from Ukrainian developers. It is NavLux from Luxena. When it works it looks like:

But it is sometimes hard to make it work. My application purchase expirience:

  1. Not possible to try it before buy on iOS. Must pay 15$ first.
  2. Purchase Server Unavailable. Cannot activate the map.
  3. Support not answer on both in-app and site forms requests.

NavLux Premium versionNavLux purchase errorNavLux Map Not Activated

Application start work in about 3 days after purchase (I suppose Luxena have fixed the issue with its server).

Android GPS iOS

Yandex Navigator Alternatives (UA)

Читаємо новини:

Порошенко ввів санкції проти Яндекса, Вконтакте, Одноклассников та інших

Київстар, lifecell і Vodafone почали блокувати санкційні сайти РФ

Обираємо Альтернативу

HERE WeGo Android та iOS

Безкоштовний навігатор з трафіком, офлайн картою, можливістю редагувати карту через сайт, з повільним оновлення (назв вулиць і т.і.), без подій (аварії, дорожні роботи, і т.і.).


Google Maps Android та iOS

Безкоштовний онлайн навігатор з можливістю завантажити вибрані фрагменти мапи розміром з місто чи район. Без можливості редагування для регіону Україна. З трафіком. Без можливості повідоми про події, але з відображення подій з Waze.


Waze Android та iOS

Навігатор – соціальна мережа, лайки, коментарі, статуси, трафік  з подіями (перекриття, ремонти, аварії, затори). Є можливість редагувати мапу. Зміни мапи  з’являються в програмі швидко.


air quality

HT-2000 CO2 Meter

Yet another CO2 Meter. This model can operate from 4 AA batteries or from power supply 5v 0.5A MiniUSB. May be built on different sensors. My happened to be built on Sensair s8.

HT-2000 CO2 meter



  • Screen have backlight option
  • Portable (battery operation)
  • No date/time on screen
  • Have CR1220 inside to keep settings
  • Have adjustable CO2 alarm level


  • Need 25 seconds to start
  • Display wrong temperature
  • Size (140x100x40mm)
  • Weight ( 350g)
  • No date/time on screen
  • Battery life is about 8 hours
  • Not rechargeable
air quality

AirVisual node

Yet another air quality monitor. Measure PM2.5 and CO2. Have a rechargeable battery that allows hours of work without a power plug.  Have Wi-Fi and mobile application to access data.

What is wrong with this device – no support for Ukraine. No external Air quality data for Ukraine, cannot choose Ukraine from a country list during setup. It is also ambient light sensor missing (only manual screen brightness setup).

UPD from 2018-02: Now support Ukraine, but only two private external monitors available (in Kyiv and  Brovary)