
iOS CarPlay Navigation

As for the January 2020, there are 10 CarPlay enabled navigators available in Ukrainian AppStore. See twenty iOS Navigators 2020 comparison. That is about 50% of all. Some new applications were found since iOS Navigation 2016 comparison in November 2016. So trends are as following. Much more OpenStreetMap based application. Even apps with own maps (like Apple map) use or get some data from OSM. Free applications are in general better. So there is clear wikinomics at work. Maps and Traffic data quality are better with the mass collaboration approach. In 2020 there is almost no reason to use paid navigation and that is probably why most old-school “best in class” navigators like iGo are not in active development anymore. Also, there are fewer local apps on the market.

How to choose a navigation app for your region:

  • Map is actual (new streets, new buildings, etc)
  • Traffic information is available and good
  • The Map can be edited by users
  • Users are able to report traffic events
  • CarPlay and iPad support (if needed)
  • User Interface is good
  • Free or price is reasonable
  • Offline maps available


Best iOS navigation application for Kyiv right now.

  • The map is good and users able to edit it
  • Traffic is good and users are able to report road events
  • Both iPad and CarPlay are supported
  • Offline navigation available, but without offline search
  • UI is average

Google Maps

Alternative application. For those who do not like Waze.

  • The map is good, but only errors reporting for users
  • Traffic is good, but no events reporting
  • Ipad and CarPlay supported, but in 2D mode for CarPlay
  • Offline for some part of the map, not regions
  • UI is average

HudWay Go

Just to be mentioned for interesting design

  • Map is average
  • No traffic (and not free if available)
  • No iPad support
  • No Offline
  • But it is nice )
app apple GPS iOS

Traffic on Apple iOS 11 map

Latest iOS update brings among other traffic data in Kyiv.  In addition, map is less outdated compare to how it is usual in Apple maps. Now map based on OpenStreetMaps.  Routing is far from perfect. Traffic is also not always relevant. But at least map improves.

iOS 11 Navigation with traffic

Good news is that map edits that I did during last year using OSM editor now are in new Apple map. Therefore, the way to fix Apple map mistakes exist.

Some streets names are not translated properly.

iOS 11 Navigation night mode


GPS Soft

Online Maps with traffic in Kyiv


Google online map


HERE online map


Waze online map



app GPS iOS iphone


It looks like I have found last available on iOS navigation software from Ukrainian developers. It is NavLux from Luxena. When it works it looks like:

But it is sometimes hard to make it work. My application purchase expirience:

  1. Not possible to try it before buy on iOS. Must pay 15$ first.
  2. Purchase Server Unavailable. Cannot activate the map.
  3. Support not answer on both in-app and site forms requests.

NavLux Premium versionNavLux purchase errorNavLux Map Not Activated

Application start work in about 3 days after purchase (I suppose Luxena have fixed the issue with its server).

Android GPS iOS

Yandex Navigator Alternatives (UA)

Читаємо новини:

Порошенко ввів санкції проти Яндекса, Вконтакте, Одноклассников та інших

Київстар, lifecell і Vodafone почали блокувати санкційні сайти РФ

Обираємо Альтернативу

HERE WeGo Android та iOS

Безкоштовний навігатор з трафіком, офлайн картою, можливістю редагувати карту через сайт, з повільним оновлення (назв вулиць і т.і.), без подій (аварії, дорожні роботи, і т.і.).


Google Maps Android та iOS

Безкоштовний онлайн навігатор з можливістю завантажити вибрані фрагменти мапи розміром з місто чи район. Без можливості редагування для регіону Україна. З трафіком. Без можливості повідоми про події, але з відображення подій з Waze.


Waze Android та iOS

Навігатор – соціальна мережа, лайки, коментарі, статуси, трафік  з подіями (перекриття, ремонти, аварії, затори). Є можливість редагувати мапу. Зміни мапи  з’являються в програмі швидко.



iOS navigation apps for Kyiv

Quick overview of GPS navigators with traffic information in Kyiv, Ukraine. November 2016. What is available:

  • iGo is based on here maps that is 1-2 years old. Traffic is more or less adequate, but loading of traffic is slow, and there are no traffic events. UI is old-school and slow, but nice. At least during driving. It is not free.


  • here good free up-to-date map with traffic, but without traffic events and without events reporting.


  • Google have 3D building but unable to show it during navigation. Good  map of traffic, but without events. No traffic events reporting.


  • Yandex  good traffic and a lot of user reported accidents, road works, etc. Without navigation in offline mode.


  • Waze have poor traffic map contain only reported data. Map is average quality, but may be edited by on site



Бесплатные навигаторы с пробками для Киева

Бесплатные навигаторы с пробками в Киеве для iPhone

  1. Yandex Maps (Yandex Navigator)
  2. Google Maps
  3. here

Яндекс однозначно лучший навигатор для iOS в Киеве

  • Лучшая детализация данных о заторах
  • Иконки дорожных событий (аварий, ремонтов)
  • Возможность добавлять события
  • Удобный интерфейс, Избранное.
  • 3D здания, отображение заторов и другая “избыточность на карте” в режиме навигации не мешает благодаря правильному подбору цветов.


Google значительно отстаёт по уровню детализации, возможно сознательно не выводя в окно навигатора ничего лишнего.

  • Нет ни 3D ни даже контуров зданий
  • Очень мало дорожных событий (и те взяты из waze)
  • Карта трафика и маршруты с учётом пробок в целом адекватны
  • Выход из режима навигации одним нажатием и автоматически
  • Постоянный просчёт и визуализация альтернативных маршрутов
  • Транспорт, пешие маршруты, Taxi (Uber)


HERE WeGo в целом достаточно качественная альтернатива

  • есть несколько текстурированных 3D объектов
  • контуры и псевдо 3D дома
  • нормальная карта заторов
  • пешие и вело маршруты




CarDV Player 2.2

Standart player for NOUS NF9 (SAMOON B03F) is kind of minimalistic one. Firmware contain some older version with internal numbers 5.5.0. CD shiped with DVR contain newer v2.2 with internal numbers 5.7.1. Both are looks more or less same.

CarDV Player

And contain same bugs with google maps integrations. That makes work with this application painful.


Did search but unable to find site of software authors.

app GPS iOS iphone

Core Coders Ski Tracks v 1.3.7

Yet another good iOS application: Ski Tracks. Very good Ski tracking application.


All recorded tracks


Track statistics.


Devices GPS router Wi-Fi wifi

Intertelecom Rev.A (CDMA) with Sierra Wireless AirCard 802S hotspot

Usage of modern smartphones (i.e. iPhone 5) with GPRS/EDGE technology in year 2013 is that kind of sophisticated torture. EDGE is in use by Kyivstar from 24.10.2005. There is still no 3G or 4G frequencies licensed to major Ukrainian GSM operators (Kyivstar, MTS, Life). So to keep Kyivstar number and get fast internet outdoor some external solution needed. One of those solutions is CDMA 3G Wi-Fi hotspot. Those devices could be connected to Intertelecom, PeopleNet, CDMA Ukraine. For EVDO Rev.A it is theoretically DL:3.1/UP:1.8 Mbit/s. A lot of CDMA operator dealers in Ukraine selling Sprint OverdrivePro 3G/4G mobile hotspot (assuming that device was previously locked for Sprint network).

Power on, connect to 3G takes about 40-60 second.


    CDMA 850/1900 MHz (EV-DO Rev.A); WiMax
    Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n (2.4 GHz, 8 clients max)
    MicroSD (FAT/FAT32 Only, SMB shared),
    GPS, Color LCD 1.7″ (160×128 pixel)